25-0445 | 3/25/2025 |
...Penalty Order - James B. Read Operating, Inc....In the matter of the failure of James B. Read Operating, Inc. (Operator) to comply with K.A.R. 82-3-111 at the Hoagland #1 well in Barber County, Kansas.
Order Description: Penalty Order - James B. Read Operating, Inc.
Order Synopsis: In the matter of the failure of James B. Read Operating, Inc. (Operator) to comply with K.A.R. 82-3-111 at the Hoagland #1 well in Barber County, Kansas.
25-0423 | 3/25/2025 |
...Application - Berexco LLC...In the matter of the application of Berexco LLC for an exception to the 10-year time limitation of K.A.R. 82-3-111 for its Kane Ut #3-19A well located in the N/2 N/2 NW of Sec 19, T30S, R18W, Kiowa County, Kansas.
Order Description: Order Granting Amended Application
Order Synopsis:
25-0424 | 3/25/2025 |
...Application - Merit Energy Company LLC...In the matter of the application of Merit Energy Company, LLC for an exception to the 10-Year time limitation of K.A.R. 82-3-111 for its Ladner Morrow Lime Unit #601 well in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 27 South, Range 35 West, Grant County, Kansas.
Order Description: Order Granting Application
Order Synopsis:
25-0425 | 3/25/2025 |
...Application - American Warrior Inc....In the matter of the application of American Warrior, Inc. for an exception to the 10-year time limitation of K.A.R. 82-3-111 for its Leininger #1 well located in the SW/4 of Section 26, Township 18 South, Range 21 West, Ness County, Kansas.
Order Description: Order Granting Application
Order Synopsis:
25-0426 | 3/25/2025 |
...Application - Berexco LLC...In the matter of the application of Berexco LLC for an exception to the 10-year time limitation of K.A.R. 82-3-111 for its Spiers Lease #2-29 well located in the NW NW of Sec 29, T10S, R32W, Thomas County, Kansas.
Order Description: Order Granting Application
Order Synopsis:
25-0427 | 3/25/2025 |
...Application - Merit Energy Company, LLC...In the matter of the application of Merit Energy Company, LLC, for an exception to the 10-year time limitation of K.A.R. 82-3-111 for its Wilburton Morrow Sand Unit #602 well in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 34 South, Range 41 West, Morton County, Kansas.
Order Description: Order Granting Application
Order Synopsis:
25-0428 | 3/25/2025 |
...Transportation Orders...Transportation orders to be approved by the Commission on the Consent Agenda.
Order Description: Transportation Economic Orders
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Transportation Orders'
Docket No. '25-TRAM-5062-TRA'
Synopsis: 'Transportation orders to be approved by the Commission on the Consent Agenda.'
25-0431 | 3/25/2025 |
...Nex-Tech, LLC Application...In the Matter of the Application of Nex-Tech, LLC for an Order Confirming Relinquishment of its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation In Specified Census Blocks.
Order Description: Order Approving Nex-tech's Application for Relinquishment of ETC Designation in Specified Areas
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Nex-Tech, LLC Application'
Docket No. '24-NTHT-589-ETC'
Synopsis: 'In the Matter of the Application of Nex-Tech, LLC for an Order Confirming Relinquishment of its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation In Specified Census Blocks.'
25-0432 | 3/25/2025 |
...Application of Southern Pioneer Electric Company...In The Matter of the Application of Southern Pioneer Electric Company for Approval to Make Certain Changes to its Rules and Regulations Tariff.
Order Description: Order Granting CURB's Petiton to Intervene, Protective Order & Discovery Order
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Application of Southern Pioneer Electric Company'
Docket No. '25-SPEE-353-TAR'
Synopsis: 'In The Matter of the Application of Southern Pioneer Electric Company for Approval to Make Certain Changes to its Rules and Regulations Tariff.'
25-0433 | 3/25/2025 |
...Application for Atmos Energy...In the Matter of the Application of Atmos Energy for Approval of the Commission of the Fourth Annual System Integrity Program ("SIP") Rate Change.
Order Description: Order Granting Application for System Integrity Program Rate Change
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Application for Atmos Energy'
Docket No. '25-ATMG-278-TAR'
Synopsis: 'In the Matter of the Application of Atmos Energy for Approval of the Commission of the Fourth Annual System Integrity Program ("SIP") Rate Change.'