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Items Count:148
Docket Type: TAR - Tariff
Docket Description: Tariff for Wheat State Technologies
Date Filed: 06/26/2024

Docket Type: CEXC - Exception To Rules And Regulations
Docket Description: Application - Casillas Petroleum Corp.
Date Filed: 06/27/2024

Docket Type: CEXC - Exception To Rules And Regulations
Docket Description: Application - Casillas Petroleum Corp.
Date Filed: 06/27/2024

Docket Type: CEXC - Exception To Rules And Regulations
Docket Description: Aplication - Merit Energy Company, LLC
Date Filed: 06/28/2024

Docket Type: COM - Complaint
Docket Description: Formal Complaint Against Brightspeed of Kansas
Date Filed: 06/28/2024

Docket Type: CON - Contract
Docket Description: Application for Sunflower Electric Power Corporation
Date Filed: 07/01/2024

Docket Type: UCR - UCR Penalty Orders
Docket Description: In the Matter of the Investigation of Escar Express LLC
Date Filed: 07/01/2024

Docket Type: UCR - UCR Penalty Orders
Docket Description: In the Matter of the Investigation of SLS Trucking Inc
Date Filed: 07/01/2024

Docket Type: UCR - UCR Penalty Orders
Docket Description: In the Matter of the Investigation of Buddy Roe LLC d/b/a Buddy Roe
Date Filed: 07/01/2024

Docket Type: UCR - UCR Penalty Orders
Docket Description: In the Matter of the Investigation of Innovation Construction Corp
Date Filed: 07/01/2024

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