24-2154 | 12/3/2024 |
...Application for Moundridge Telephone Company...In the Matter of the Application of Moundridge Telephone Company for Kansas Universal Service Fund Support.
Order Description: Order Assessing Costs
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Application for Moundridge Telephone Company'
Docket No. '25-MRGT-222-KSF'
Synopsis: 'In the Matter of the Application of Moundridge Telephone Company for Kansas Universal Service Fund Support.'
24-2158 | 12/3/2024 |
...Haviland Telephone Co. Application...In the Matter of the Application of Haviland Telephone Co., Inc. for Waiver of Certain Telecommunications Billing Practice Standards.
Order Description: Order Granting Haviland's Waiver of Certain Telecommunications Billing Practice Standards
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Haviland Telephone Co. Application'
Docket No. '25-HVDT-204-MIS'
Synopsis: 'In the Matter of the Application of Haviland Telephone Co., Inc. for Waiver of Certain Telecommunications Billing Practice Standards.'
24-2160 | 12/3/2024 |
...Wheat State Telephone Application...In the Matter of the Application of Wheat State Telephone Company Inc. Filing Tariff Revisions in Sections 2, 3 and 4 Revised Sheets 2, 4 thru 7, 10 and 12.
Order Description: Order Approving Revised Tariff
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Wheat State Telephone Application'
Docket No. '25-WHST-214-TAR'
Synopsis: 'In the Matter of the Application of Wheat State Telephone Company Inc. Filing Tariff Revisions in Sections 2, 3 and 4 Revised Sheets 2, 4 thru 7, 10 and 12.'
24-2110 | 12/3/2024 |
...Transportation Orders...Transportation orders to be approved by the Commission on the Consent Agenda.
Order Description: Transportation Economic Orders
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Transportation Orders'
Docket No. '25-TRAM-5034-TRA'
Synopsis: 'Transportation orders to be approved by the Commission on the Consent Agenda.'
24-2156 | 12/3/2024 |
...Formal Complaint by Leah Twigg Against Kansas Gas Service...In the Matter of the Complaint Against Kansas Gas Service by Leah Twigg.
Order Description: Order on Formal Complaint
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Formal Complaint by Leah Twigg Against Kansas Gas Service'
Docket No. '24-KGSG-837-COM'
Synopsis: 'In the Matter of the Complaint Against Kansas Gas Service by Leah Twigg.'
24-2165 | 12/3/2024 |
...KGSG Ad Valorem Application...In the Matter of Kansas Gas Service, a Division of ONE Gas, Inc.'s Ad Valorem Filing in Compliance with the Commission's July 14, 2004 Order in Docket No. 04-KGSG-1099-TAR.
Order Description: Order Assessing Costs
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'KGSG Application'
Docket No. '25-KGSG-226-TAR'
Synopsis: 'In the Matter of Kansas Gas Service, a Division of ONE Gas, Inc.'s Ad Valorem Filing in Compliance with the Commission's July 14, 2004 Order in Docket No. 04-KGSG-1099-TAR.'
24-2147 | 12/3/2024 |
...Application of Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc....In the Matter of the Application of Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. for Certificate of a(n) Electric Public Utility in the State of Kansas, for a Tract of Land Located at S30, T21S, R25E, N2, NE4, Less 1200 Rd., Pleasanton, Kansas.
Order Description: Order Assessing Costs
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Application of Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.'
Docket No. '25-HREE-221-COC'
Synopsis: 'In the Matter of the Application of Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. for Certificate of a(n) Electric Public Utility in the State of Kansas, for a Tract of Land Located at S30, T21S, R25E, N2, NE4, Less 1200 Rd., Pleasanton, Kansas.'
24-2155 | 12/3/2024 |
...Evergy Kansas Central Application for Phase 2 Transp. Electrification Portfolio...In the Matter of the Application of Evergy Metro, Inc., Evergy Kansas Central, Inc., and Evergy Kansas South, Inc. for Approval of its Phase 2 Transportation Electrification Portfolio.
Order Description: Order Setting Procedural Schedule
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Evergy Kansas Central Application for Phase 2 Transp. Electrification Portfolio'
Docket No. '25-EKCE-169-TAR'
Synopsis: 'In the Matter of the Application of Evergy Metro, Inc., Evergy Kansas Central, Inc., and Evergy Kansas South, Inc. for Approval of its Phase 2 Transportation Electrification Portfolio.'
24-2157 | 12/3/2024 |
...Formal Complaint by Richard Mallat Jr. and Connie B. Shaw...In the Matter of the Complaint Against Kansas Gas Service by Richard Mallatt Jr. and Connie B. Shaw
Order Description: Order on Prima Facie Determination
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Formal Complaint by Richard Mallat Jr. and Connie B. Shaw'
Docket No. '25-KGSG-213-COM'
Synopsis: 'In the Matter of the Complaint Against Kansas Gas Service by Richard Mallatt Jr. and Connie B. Shaw'
24-2161 | 12/3/2024 |
...Evergy Kansas South Application...In the Matter of the Application of Evergy Kansas South, Inc. for Authority to Transact the Business of an Electric Public Utility Specifically, in a Portion of Section 36, Township 26 South, Range 02 East, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Order Description: Order Assessing Costs
Order Synopsis: Order for Docket 'Evergy Kansas South Application'
Docket No. '25-EKSE-224-COC'
Synopsis: 'In the Matter of the Application of Evergy Kansas South, Inc. for Authority to Transact the Business of an Electric Public Utility Specifically, in a Portion of Section 36, Township 26 South, Range 02 East, Sedgwick County, Kansas.'